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How Deep is your Wine Knowledge?

Wine expertise builds on extensive wine knowledge acquired by studying wine styles, wine regions, and the science of growing grapes and making wine.

The more you learn about wine, the more you taste different wines, the more you developed expertise.

Are you ready to test your wine knowledge?

Here is a questionnaire used by Koenig and collaborators [1]. They used it to group people based on their wine expertise for a research on wine aroma language.

It includes 22 questions and 14 questions are wine knowledge related.

Your answers are anonymous and once you submit them, you get immediate access to the expected answers.

And you can see what others have answered too!


Only one answer per question

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Published January 13, 2021


L. Koenig, C. Coulon-Leroy, R. Symoneaux, V. Cariou, E. Vigneau, Influence of expertise on semantic categorization of wine odors, Food Quality and Preference, Volume 83, 2020, 103923.