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There are as many “tasting rooms” as there are occasions to taste wine. The setting of the tasting room is more important when one wants to be serious about the outcomes of the tasting:
So let’s talk first about the “serious” wine tasting environment. Later on, I will suggest some tips to be more objective in social contexts, as much as this can be possible.
The room can be sober as the sensory evaluation laboratories I usually work with or more playful to create a pleasant social environment .
However there are 3 rules to follow to prevent insidious tasting errors to challenge the tasting outcomes.
There are few ways of limiting interactions: build partitions (permanent or temporary) or place people in such a way they don’t see each other faces and they can’t see each others’ notes, like if they were taking an exam.
The more handy among us can build temporary partition with poster boards sold at your favourite office supplies store.
All sensory textbooks cover a chapter on the requirements to build a sensory lab. If you are interested in building a tasting room with sensory evaluation standards, I would recommend reading the ISO guidelines written to that effect.
I am always impressed when I see wine writers tasting and making notes while they attend wine events, going from one wine table to the next. Impressed but doubtful of the validity of the process and the fairness to the wines. It’s quasi impossible to eliminate any of sensory interactions with your wine perceptions. The winery staff talk to you and provide as much information as they can on the wine making and the winery philosophy. Power of suggestion, error of expectation.
These places are usually noisy and immersed in lovely food smells.
In such a wine tasting environment, make sure you keep a consistent process if you are willing to compare wines based on their sensory attributes.
One last thing: It would be unfair to the wines to compare the notes you took at such events with notes for other wines taken in better tasting environments.
Another last thing: Social events are orchestrated to create enjoyment and leave you with great memories. Go back to serious tasting at a later date.
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